Associated Engineering recognized at the inaugural Psychologically Safe Workplace Awards
November 8, 2021
Lance Kubrak

The health and well-being of our employees is one of Associated’s top priorities. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impacting the mental wellness of many of us, we sought a means to effectively measure and better support the psychological safety of our staff.
Last month, we invited all staff to participate in a survey using the Mental Fitness Index, developed by Howatt HR, which evaluates the employee experience with respect to workplace mental health. The survey program is also part of the Psychologically Safe Workplace Awards, a Canada-wide, evidence-based annual competition that measures workplace mental health. As an organization, we saw value in gaining insight into what makes for a Psychologically Safe Workplace, and benchmarking our performance against the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, using the results to inform opportunities for improvement.
As an added benefit, thanks to the large number of our staff who voluntarily participated in the survey, we qualified for consideration in this year’s awards. Organizations were evaluated on several criteria, validated by an independent judging panel, and awarded at three levels – Gold, Silver and Bronze. More information on the awards may be found here.
On October 20th, Associated Engineering was invited to attend a special virtual conference and award event, where we received the 2022 Psychologically Safe Workplace Silver Award. The award recognizes employers in Canada for their leadership in workplace mental health. We are amongst just five other companies receiving an award this year. The awards were presented by Talent Canada with OHS Canada and Howatt HR.
We thank all of our staff who participated in the survey and helped contribute to the collective learnings received.