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Associated Engineering at Canadian Network of Asset Managers 2023 National Conference

Associated Engineering is proud to be a supporting sponsor of this year's Canadian Network of Asset Managers 2023 National Conference taking place next week in Fredericton, NB! The three day program will focus on the theme of Crafting Resilient Communities. Once again, we are pleased to share that several of our staff will be leading and presenting in workshops and technical breakout sessions, and we invite attendees to hear from our asset management experts.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Workshop A: Building a Maintenance Management Plan
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM | Marysville B
Presenter: Mike Binns

Maintenance Management Plans are an important component of effective asset management, as they contain a means of getting organized so that necessary maintenance activities are scheduled and performed at the right time and in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Maintenance Management Plans play an important role in extending asset life. To build a robust plan, it is important to have the following components in the plan: An established goal for maintenance; Priorities established for critical and non-critical infrastructure; Maintenance schedules and what is required; Training for staff; Proper reporting and tracking; and Understanding when replacement of assets become a reality. In this workshop, we will explore the concepts of a maintenance management strategy, prioritization of critical assets, developing a schedule and reporting system. We will step through a maintenance management evaluation tool and discuss opportunities for improving evaluation area scores. The workshop, will be interactive and will begin to develop a maintenance management strategy considering criticality, failure modes, and standard operating procedures. The workshop will be hands on so be prepared to bring a pen and paper and to work together in teams.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Workshop D: AM Software: Planning, Procurement, Implementation, & Lessons Learned
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Marysville B
Presenters: Owen James and Jaimie Sokalski

Asset Management Software, including computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are software that centralize asset data and information management to support decision making and maintenance management. AM software enables more efficient planning, documentation, and tracking of asset and maintenance processes including service requests, inspections, and work orders. Associated Engineering has supported many municipalities in software selection, implementation, change management, and process review. In this hands-on workshop, we will take participants through the following stages of the AM software planning and implementation process: 1. System-Data Landscape: mapping out the relationships between existing software, data, and systems to understand the current data landscape at an organization 2. Functional Needs & Gap Assessment: identifying the wants and needs of key staff to determine what you are looking for, and where gaps or inefficiencies may exist within the current data landscape 3. Software Review & Procurement: highlighting considerations to make when selecting a software for your organization 4. Implementation & Change Management: identifying key lessons learned through AM software implementation, as well as considerations for staff training and capacity building 5. Business Process Development: introducing business process development to clearly lay out the flow of tasks through process maps, roles, and responsibilities for key software functionalities and processes Throughout the activities and discussion, lessons learned through our own experience will be shared and participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences. At the end of the workshop, participants will leave with a better understanding of AM software, the steps to take when considering an AM software in their municipality, and considerations for improvement of software use in their municipality.

Asset and Maintenance Assessments - National Asset Review - Parks Canada Agency
4:20 PM - 4:45 PM | Marysville A
Presenter: Owen James

Parks Canada Agency is one of the largest federal custodians of real property and infrastructure supporting 46 national parks, one national urban park, 4 marine conservation areas and 171 national historic sites including 9 historic canals. Periodically the Agency undertakes a portfolio level review of its assets known as the National Asset Review to support Federal Government budget submission. The review undertaken in 2022 included an assessment of condition, maintenance, code, accessibility, climate adaptation needs and greening opportunities for a sample of assets to understand the cost implications and needs of the Agency overall. This presentation describes the process followed and the analysis undertaken by the project team in collaboration with the Agency including the innovative approaches to understanding meaningful maintenance needs, the modelling of climate adaptation needs and greening opportunities.

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