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Associated Engineering supports CNAM 2022 Conference

Associated Engineering is pleased to be a supporting sponsor of the Canadian Network of Asset Managers' first hybrid Annual Conference next week in London, Ontario. Several members of our Strategic Advisory Services practice will be attending and participating in the technical program on Tuesday, May 3rd, that follows the theme of this year’s event, "CONNECTIONS: Building an Asset Management Community". We invite interested attendees to join the following sessions in-person/online, beginning at 10:55am local time.  

10:55am - 11:25am | Grand Ballroom East & Centre
Connecting the Dots on Natural Asset Valuation in the City of Calgary
Co-presenter: Twyla Kowalczyk

3:00pm - 3:30pm | Grand Ballroom East & Centre
National First Nations Asset Needs Study 
Co-presenter: Owen James

3:40pm - 4:40pm | Suite 300
Workshop: Climate Adaptation Planning as Part of Asset Planning
Co-facilitators: Twyla Kowalczyk, Jaimie Sokalski 

To learn more about our integrated team of specialists with many years of experience and expertise in facilitating transparent and sound decision-making and providing strategic advice that our clients depend on for realistic, implementable solutions, visit here

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