WEAO hosts Wastewater Treatment & Technologies Microbiology Workshop
November 9, 2023

The Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) is once again offering a Wastewater Treatment & Technologies Microbiology Workshop on November 15th and we're proud to share that Dr. José Bicudo will be teaching the course, alongside Maria Mesquita and Dave Neely. Associated Engineering is also a Silver tier sponsor of the event.
Held at the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant, this 7.0 PDH workshop will cover microbiology of activated sludge; activated sludge floc structure analysis; filamentous organisms in activated sludge; causes of activated sludge bulking/foaming and control; hands-on training to identify filaments, including staining techniques and morphology to identifies specific filamentous organisms. Register to attend on the WEAO website.