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ARTICLES TAGGED: Infrastructure

Siksika Nation develops strategic approach to improve condition of housing supply
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Abu Waraich

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Craig MacDonald

CUIIC awarded major NSERC Alliance Grant for underground infrastructure research
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Jason Lueke

Bridge Management: Strategic approach delivers value
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Michael Paulsen

Associated Engineering is honoured to be recognized as an engineering partner on the Assembly of First Nations “Closing the Infrastructure Gap by 2030” Report
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Owen James

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Shane Thompson

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Craig MacDonald

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Judy Yu

Sustainable rehabilitation restores functionality of Edmonton’s Trestle No. 3 Pipe Bridge
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Owen Mierke

The Crucial Role of Owner’s Engineers in Alternative Delivery Projects
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Jim Zagas

Seeking challenges and career growth motivates Civil Engineer, Cian McDermott
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Cian McDermott

Associated at No-Dig North 2023
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Jason Lueke

Extension of Buffalo Pound Non-Potable Water Supply System increases capacity to serve industrial customers around Regina
Strategic approach delivers critical drainage improvements in Calgary’s Northwest Inner City
Working to closing the infrastructure gap with the Assembly of First Nations
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Anna Comerton

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Shane Thompson

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Owen James

3D Modelling of industrial infrastructure projects improves design understanding
Long-term proactive approach sustains Saskatchewan transportation assets
Risk-based decision-making in asset management – how to prioritize investment programs
Predictive citywide stormwater models help protect Lethbridge’s infrastructure
City of St. Catharines implements combined sewer overflow abatement strategy
[AE75] Land management: a precedent for Canadian First Nation