Medicine Hat, Alberta
Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
Associated Engineering was responsible for the conceptual and detailed design for a segment of 2nd Street in downtown Medicine Hat.
This project included the enhancement of existing urban fabric within the “Entertainment District”, and built upon recommendations made by “The Hat: Downtown Redevelopment Plan” that was recently adopted by City Council.
Enhancements included upgraded street furniture, street trees, refurbished paving surfaces and street lighting, an enhanced mid-block crossing upgrade, intersection bump-outs, a series of traffic calming measures to increase pedestrian safety, and a reorganization of street parking configurations. Our proposed improvements had to balance the need for traffic flow without trying to create a pedestrian dominated streetscape with increased comfort and safety for all people. This Complete Streets study led to numerous subtle modifications to the form, function, and materiality of the street.

Project Highlights
Our team worked with the Client team to develop overarching themes and streetscape concept plans that were vetted through public open houses and stakeholder advisory meetings. Groups including the Chamber of Commerce provided essential input to the conceptual designs prior to Associated initiating the detailed design process. The unique challenges for this project included the re-use of existing materials where possible (such as historically significant red brick), and integrating historic gas lamps into the final streetscape while converting lanterns using LED lighting.
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