City of Lacombe Downtown Area Redevelopment and Urban Design Plan
Lacombe, Alberta
Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Land Use & Community Planning
Urban Design
Lacombe’s location in central Alberta along the Highway 2 Corridor has resulted in growth and redevelopment pressures in the downtown core and surrounding neighbourhoods.
It is a unique area rich in heritage buildings and home to Alberta’s most intact Edwardian main street.
Consulting with the City, stakeholders, and the community, we developed a plan to address the community’s vision for growth and architectural heritage in the downtown area. The Plan will guide future development to ensure an appropriate mix of land uses, building forms, public amenities and infrastructure so downtown Lacombe becomes the commercial and cultural heart of the region. The Plan area features a downtown commercial core, residential areas, institutional and public uses, and highway commercial.

Project Highlights
To account for unique characteristics and development opportunities, the area was divided into eight districts with complementary uses and built forms identified for each. A public realm plan identified improvements and design elements to enhance public spaces including streets, paths, parks and open spaces. Urban design guidelines created for public and private development throughout the Plan area will ensure quality and functional design.
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