Stony Plain, Alberta
Land Use & Community Planning
Associated Engineering provided engineering services to the project team, led by ParioPlan, for the development of an Area Structure Plan for 64.4 hectares of land in the NW ¼ Sec 1-53-1 W5M in northwest Stony Plan.
The intent of the Plan was to develop a plan for a residential neighbourhood providing a mix of single family and multi-family housing along with recreational opportunities and amenities for northwest Stony Plain. The purpose of the Plan was to provide a framework for land use, circulation and servicing within the project area. The proposed land use for the project area consists of industrial, commercial, residential, and recreational land uses.

Project Highlights
The roadway network, using the Town’s roadway standards for arterial, collector and local roads, was established to provide safe access to residential areas while enhancing pedestrian connectivity to existing and future neighbouring development with paths and trails.
The project incorporated the guiding principles set out in the Town’s Water, Sanitary and Storm Master Plans in developing the utility servicing for the site. The water distribution network, fed by large feeder mains from the east, will be sized to provide fire protection to the neighbourhood. The sanitary system will collect wastewater from the neighbourhood and discharge to the existing West Sanitary Trunk Sewer in the southeast corner of the development. The storm water management system will consist of a two detention ponds with a piped interconnect. Ultimately the northeast pond discharges to Stream Course #2.
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