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Francis Cooke Landfill Operations Plan


Canmore, Alberta



Contaminated Sites Management

The Bow Valley Waste Management Commission Landfill is located in the scenic Bow Valley Corridor between Canmore and Calgary.

Associated Engineering was retained to assist the landfill owners and operators with the following tasks:

  • Amendments to the landfill approval to operate by increasing the landfill’s airspace and longevity by requesting and increase in the final fill elevation.
  • Reviewing profiles and sections of the landfill, along with waste types to determine the landfill’s current and future capacity to accept specific types of wastes including kiln dust from a nearby cement plant.
  • Reviewing existing documentation to ascertain gaps in meeting the 2010 Standards for Landfills in Alberta, and addressing those gaps with the new approval request.
  • Completing the Permit application to the local municipal district to expand the landfill to another section of landfill owned by the Commission.
  • Reviewing slope and landfill capping options to maximize the landfill capacity of the new section. This includes making allowance for surface drainage and groundwater monitoring, as well as addressing potential aesthetic concerns related to neighbouring properties.
  • Recommendation of planning changes to the landfill operations disposal methodology used by the Commission.
  • Working with the Regulator and the Commission to address proposed changes the landfills design and operations.
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