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Medicine Hat Transit ITS Decision Support


Medicine Hat, Alberta



Intelligent Transportation Systems


Medicine Hat Transit has several Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects to be delivered under grant funding provided by the Green Transit Incentives Program, Public Transit Infrastructure Fund and Municipal Sustainability Initiatives funding.

Projects include:

  • Mobile App
  • Automated Passenger Counting System
  • Electronic Fare Collection System (EFC)
  • Customer Alerts (paratransit)
  • Online Customer Portal (paratransit) for trip booking and automated scheduling
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Project Highlights

Associated Engineering as the Owner’s Engineer and technical specialist helped to define the unknown or less understood elements related to each ITS project, best practices for management, and how to maximize functionality to meet the needs of Medicine Hat Transit while managing long term costs. Through the Needs Assessment process stakeholders were engaged via interviews, questionnaires, and workshops. We worked with the City of Medicine Hat to investigate alternatives, form plans, and take next steps to system design and procurement.


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